Addictive :-D
This game is pretty awesome and addictive. I like the fact that you don't have lives and your score resets when you get hit, meaning you can spend a long time without realising.
2 tips:
1. Try to redraw the explosions, bullets ect. (basicly anything done by just using two colours). That will make it seem far more sleek.
2. Get some music from the Audio portal. But make sure it is a great piece nothing too repetative. Never got for the 20 second repeated melody. Music is one of the important factors of a good game, it gives it feeling and exitment. Also try and get some explosion noises and shot sounds, to give it that extra bit.
If you don't get this submitted do what and say (and any other suggestions) and resubmit, or if it gets on, do it anyway. I will be checking.